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Purple lotus flower with spark of white light coming out of it with 2 green bamboo sticks behind
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The Chaldeans have been written about by Berosus Caldaeus, a Babylonian Priest, and The Babylonia Epic of Creation, and other tablets tell about the heavens, gods, stars, planets, and extraterrestrials from other planets which may be about the Chaldean rulers. Our historians have written that the Chaldeans came from somewhere and overthrew the Babylonian rulers. 


Much of the Chaldean writings have been overlooked historically. The Ancient Astronaut theorists have brought to light a different perspective of planet earth prior to the deluge history, a predeluvian history found in numberous clay tablets from the Assyrian Library of Ashurbanipal.


The winged globe was a revered symbol of many of the ancient cosmology, the 12th Planet, the Planet of the Gods, the planet of crossing, the cross symbol or Tav in hebrew. 


The Chaldeans had the most advanced mathematics and astronomy which makes sense if you are from another more advanced planet. The 12th planet now being researched by scientists have possibly found the equation for another planet X as a twin to our sun making our system a binary star system. Mathematical equations of gravity on other celestrial objects suggest another planet. 


Berosus referred to 10 sovereigns who ruled the earth in predeluvian times. The length of their ruling is the interesting aspect, 10's of thousands of years each sovereign ruled. These are the King's List from the clay tablets, i.e. text/tablet WB144 and WB62 also shows reign durations. The Chaldean Rulers could have been the Annunaki from the 12 planet Nibiru.  Nabopolassar was the first ruler followed by his son Nebuchadnezzar II. 

The Year of the Wood Snake

"The Year of the Dragon asked us to evolve, let go of old patterns, and grow up. In the Year of the Snake, we enter adulthood and thrive with the strength to accomplish our goals. This year offers incredible power and wisdom." – CT Holman


As we approach the beginning of the Snake Year, this transition offers incredible power and wisdom. It is a time to harmonise our energy, connect with the environment, and celebrate life.


"The snake represents reaching the ripe age of young adulthood with all its powerful energy."



Heavenly Stem 乙 Yi (Yin Wood) and the Earthly Branch 巳 Si (Yin Fire - Snake) shaping the year’s energy.


Wood nourishes Fire, which can lead to an excess of heat in the body and manifest as  overactive Shen.