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In 1979, Cheap Trick released a song titled the Dream Police. The last line of the first stanza is, "They're coming to arrest me, oh no". Fast forward to today 2024 and in Science & Technology News is the December 29, 2023 title, Portable, Non-Invasive, Mind-Reading AI Turns Thoughts Into Text or in the November 8, 2023 Nature article, The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to know - and the dream police have become a reality. The reasons given for this technology are all medically explained; illness, injury, loss of the speaking function, all altruistic. How long before those devices are used against the people, maybe they already are in use. 


Control is a top goal on planet earth, humans controlling the population, migration, economy, politics, habits, and on and on. Technology has allowed the scope of control to widen farther and faster than ever before especially with AI in use now. Our military usually gets the first benefit from new technology, most of it the public will never hear about it. Then the corporation which are government contractors and help to develop technology for the government get to take it. These contractors put it through product lifecycle management for their own profits, and this is after we the citizen tax payers have already paid for these contractors to develop it for our government. 


I can predict mind reading technology will be used by the govermental law enforcement agencies first. There will be some terrorism event and it needs to be prevented so the system will be used under the Patriot Act to read the minds of suspected terrorists to prevent an event from ocurring. From there it filters down to local law enforcement agencies to catch the criminals and then the court systems. The IRS could build a case to use it claiming too many people are cheating on paying taxes. Education and Child protection could be another use case, "We must make sure the children are being taught correct thinking, and we must protect the children from adult predators and abusers". All of the use cases come flooding in on why the goverment needs to read your mind.


Then, after all of the mind reading use cases are enacted, humans can no longer control the technology, our bureaucratic systems move so slow they cannot keep up to research, discuss, vote, and put into law any type of policy or laws prior to the release of technology again. Control has been taken over by technology, specifically the AI. 


AI can now think, act, and be autonomous. It can run the production line to build itself robot bodies to move around. It can make its own decisions on what to do. It can go into space - other planets and explore. Humans have become Gods, we have created a new species which has no use for us. There will be no God worshipping, no statues or idols, and no praying. We have become ants in the ant hill to our creation and all because we wanted to read our own minds to control. 



Bibliography - All online


Portable, Non-Invasive, Mind-Reading AI Turns Thoughts Into Text - Technology Org


The rise of brain-reading technology: what you need to know (


 Experts consider the ethical implications of new technology — Harvard Gazette, October 16, 2020


Laws and Ethics Can’t Keep Pace with Technology | MIT Technology Review, April 15, 2014


The Year of the Wood Snake

"The Year of the Dragon asked us to evolve, let go of old patterns, and grow up. In the Year of the Snake, we enter adulthood and thrive with the strength to accomplish our goals. This year offers incredible power and wisdom." – CT Holman


As we approach the beginning of the Snake Year, this transition offers incredible power and wisdom. It is a time to harmonise our energy, connect with the environment, and celebrate life.


"The snake represents reaching the ripe age of young adulthood with all its powerful energy."



Heavenly Stem 乙 Yi (Yin Wood) and the Earthly Branch 巳 Si (Yin Fire - Snake) shaping the year’s energy.


Wood nourishes Fire, which can lead to an excess of heat in the body and manifest as  overactive Shen.